Twin Day

Twin Day

Monday, September 17, 2012

Teaching Your Fish Tricks

Monday, September 18

Today, I started training my fish to due tricks.   I have four Goldfish - Bella, Dorrie, Flounder, and Oscar.  I have the guys in one tank and girls in another.  I want to have one fish in one tank but grades are do so I have not had time.

I worked with the fish today and Oscar is starting to come to the wand to get food (first step in training).  Once I get them to accept food I will turn them over to students.  I want to train one so I know how it works.  I have tried to explain to the students it takes PATIENCE.   You are dealing with a tiny fish and a tiny brain. 

Today is busy because we are reviewing for our first major test.   Students love the hands on but they also have to be responsible for the course content.  I reviewed using my CPS(Classroom Performance System) - not child protective services.   It gives immediate feedback to the students and time in between each questions for reteaching or discussion.

Classroom Performance System from Einstruction

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