Twin Day

Twin Day

Friday, September 7, 2012

Happy Friday

Yeah! Today is Friday - both teachers and students are looking forward to the next two days.

Students presented their water issues today.  Some were really good.!  I would have liked more pictures on some and better coverage of Texas issues.   I will update my handout so that I don't forget next term. 

Some Students like the antique design

Student aquarium are up and running and most have fish.  Each aquarium has its own personality along with the fish. We are still  working on building good habitats.  I am still waiting to see how this group finishes their habitat.  They used PVC pipe to build a platform for their plants. It used window screen to hold the gravel and has an area underneath it for fish to hang out.  These students really sat down and worked together to build this.  My algae eater appears to really like the new set up. 

Some students like building their own fish toys

Habitat for fish and one crayfish
This goup is rethinking the crayfish.  While I often keep them in tanks with other fish you do have to accept occasional fish death due to eating.  So I am waiting for them to re-evaluate what they want to put in their tank.  This is a learning process.

Will see how tanks survive over the the two day weekend.  I will try to come up and check on them.

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